Sunday, September 2, 2007

Bye August!

Best poker month ever for me so far. I ran super hot which was a huge help, so was moving to Party Poker, Donksville. Here's my end of month graph.

I 3k break even stretch happened as soon as my roll went over $200, for some reason as soon i break that figure i stay there and cant seem too move past it. Had to take out a far chunk of my role starting this month with $80, which is shit.

Here's my PT stats for the month(click on it to see it better obviously):

I am getting more agressive which is definitly helping my game. I am never sure how agressive to get pre-flop though, one thing i am struggling at. But apart from that i am happy with vost of my other stats. I'd like pr-flop raise % to get a bit closer to 12% if possible.

I dont rally have any goals for this month, but if possible i'd like to get my current roll up to about $160.

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